Oneness Yoga Studio

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Contact person: Oneness Yoga Studio
+27769058490 [email protected]

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The significance of "Oneness" is to achieve the union of ourselves internally and also with other creations as a whole. Internal unification is the merge of the different layers of our existence categorized into the Body, Mind and Spirit. Unification with all creations of the universe: the heaven, earth and fellow animate or non-animate beings is an even more profound understanding of Oneness.
This concept was advocated to the human world thousands of years ago by ancient saints such as Lao Tsu in China and Patanjali in India.
The idea of Oneness, however, remain to be realized by ourselves as an individual; as such it is the intent of this yoga studio to help people find "Oneness".

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Contact person: Oneness Yoga Studio
+27769058490 [email protected]
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